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Monday, March 23, 2015

registration for Summer Printmaking classes

 Early registration for Summer classes begins Monday, March 30. 

All Summer print classes are available without permission codes.  Classes will fill very fast, so be prepared to register on your earliest registration date:  (Graduate Students and Honors College Students: March 30.  Seniors: March 31.  Juniors: April 3.)

Summer classes are as follows:

3wk -1 (maymester) ASTU 3340 Relief MoTuWeThFr 9:00AM-4:50PM 
3wk -1 (maymester) ASTU 4340 Advanced Relief MoTuWeThFr 9:00AM-4:50PM  (Prerequisite: pass Mid Point Review)

5wk 1 ASTU 3305 Artist's Books MoTuWeTh 12:00PM-3:50PM
5wk 1 ASTU 4305 Advanced Artist's Books MoTuWeTh 12:00PM-3:50PM(Prerequisite: pass Mid Point Review)
5wk 1 ASTU 5305 Graduate Artist's Books MoTuWeTh 12:00PM-3:50PM

5wk -2 ASTU 3340 Relief MoTuWeTh 8:00AM-11:50AM
5wk -2 ASTU 4340 Advanced Relief MoTuWeTh 8:00AM-11:50AM (Prerequisite: pass Mid Point Review)

Students who may not get into preferred classes may place themselves on a "wait list" for the class.

Questions: contact  Andrew DeCaen, Printmaking Area Coordinator: decaen@unt.edu