Early registration for Fall classes begins Monday, March 30.
Fall classes are as follows:
Fall Printmaking Classes are available to printmaking
pre-majors by permission codes from March 30 to April 12.
On April 13 the permission codes will become void and anyone with prerequisites
will be allowed to register for classes without permission codes. At that
point the classes will fill fast. The exception to this is the artist's book class that will not have permission codes; it will be first come first serve.
Fall classes are as follows:
ASTU 3305 Artist's Books: TuTh 2:00PM-4:50PM
ASTU 4305 Advanced Artist's Books: TuTh 2:00PM-4:50PM (Prerequisite:
pass Mid Point Review)
ASTU 3310 Etching MoWe 8:00AM-10:50AM
ASTU 4310 Advanced Etching MoWe 8:00AM-10:50AM (Prerequisite: pass Mid
Point Review)
ASTU 3320 Screenprint TuTh 11:00AM-1:50PM
ASTU 4320 Advanced Screenprint TuTh 11:00AM-1:50PM (Prerequisite:
pass Mid Point Review)
ASTU 3330 Lithography MoWe 2:00PM-4:50PM
ASTU 4330 Advanced Lithography MoWe 2:00PM-4:50PM (Prerequisite: pass
Mid Point Review)
ASTU 3340 Relief MoWe 11:00AM-1:50PM
ASTU 4340 Advanced Relief MoWe 11:00AM-1:50PM (Prerequisite: pass Mid Point Review)
ASTU 4340 Advanced Relief MoWe 11:00AM-1:50PM (Prerequisite: pass Mid Point Review)
Students who may not get into preferred classes may place themselves on a
"wait list" for the class.
Please take advantage of this early registration period!
Questions: contact Andrew DeCaen,
Printmaking Area Coordinator: decaen@unt.edu