Contemporary Art Dealers of Dallas will again celebrate creativity and community on March 20th, 2019. CADD FUNd 2019 will be a fun, fast- paced evening of sharing innovative ideas about potential artistic projects. CADD FUNd 2019 will make possible a high-impact idea that needs the support of the DFW arts community.
The idea for the annual CADD FUNd was inspired by similar events throughout the United States. Over the past several years, numerous organizations have taken the basic premise of collecting a group of creative proposals, inviting the public to pay, and listen, and then democratically vote for a winner - and adapted it to their own local purposes.
This year's CADD FUNd will be awarded to a current or previous B.A, B.F.A., M.A. or
M.F.A. graduate or candidate from an institution within 100 miles of Dallas (2017, 2018, 2019). Six finalists will be selected from all of the applicants by three esteemed jurors.
DuringtheeventonMarch20th,thefinalistswillpresentshortproposalsfororiginaland yet-to-be-realized new projects. Members of the audience will have an opportunity to ask questions and then the audience participants will vote for their favorite project.Last year’swinner,JamesTalambas,willalsogiveashortpresentationduringtheevent After a short recess to tally the votes, the winner of CADD FUNd 2019 will be announced!
TheCADDFUNdis$2500-$7500+andbeyond.Fundsareraisedbyticketsalesandwill gotothewinnerchosenbytheaudience.Ticketsare$40perpersonandwillgoonsale in January. In an effort to make CADD FUNd 2019 as accessible as possible for the studentsandartists,aportionofeachticketsoldwillbeappliedtoadministrativecosts.
While CADD FUNd is about raising much-needed cash, we hope that it will also be a forum to discuss the many other needs and resources that help make projectshappen.
Application details on the website -
ABOUT CADD-Contemporary Art Dealers of Dallas (CADD) is a non-profit membership organization of galleries formed in 2006 for the purpose of promoting the advancement of contemporary art on all levels. Members are committed to represent the highest standards of contemporary art, while recognizing the importance of integrity and responsibility in workingwithartists,collectors,museumprofessionals,andtheculturalcommunityofDallas.