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Monday, October 16, 2017

Registration Spring 2018 Printmaking Classes (updated)

...Not that kind of registration...

Are you thinking about registration for your Spring 2018 semester or beyond? 
There are a few things you should know:

Spring 2018: Printmaking classes will be available by permission code to Printmaking Grads, Majors, and Pre-majors in the second week of October. The permission codes will go void November 6. At that point the classes will be open to all CVAD majors without permission codes.

Spring 2018: the History of Printmaking class has been postponed until Spring 2019 to coincide with the SGCI conference.  If you are planning to graduate before Spring 2019, and have not yet taken the class, then you may look for another 4000-level Art History class and get approval for a course substitution OR you may request from Dr. Kelly Donahue-Wallace a Special Problems in the History of Printmaking… A special problems class in art history is readings, papers, and individual discussions with the professor.

Summer 2018: Printmaking classes: There will be very few classes offered in Printmaking and Studio Art.  We do hope to offer a Summer 5 Week 2 class in Artist’s Books. This will be unrestricted registration (no permission codes).  It may fill very fast.  Students who have not yet passed BFA Entry Review should not take any printmaking classes in the summer.