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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Holiday Card Contest

2013 UNT Holiday Card 
from President and Mrs. Rawlins

President and Mrs. Rawlins send an annual holiday card from the university to colleagues and friends. They want to showcase the excellence and creativity of UNT students in a student-designed card that highlights what's special about UNT. Please see the following details regarding the President's 2013 Holiday Card design contest. President and Mrs. Rawlins look forward to seeing your creativity and holiday spirit!

UNT students are invited to participate, using the medium of choice for an art piece that can be easily photographed for a 5"x7" holiday card. Please include appropriate representation of UNT or a UNT theme in your art piece. (One entry per student).

• Submit your entry to Laurea Irving in the Administration Building, Office of the President, Suite 201 (Second floor at the end of the hall) by 5 p.m., Monday, November 4, 2013. Provide your name, major, EUID, phone and e-mail contact information with your art piece.
• President and Mrs. Lane Rawlins will choose from the submissions during the first week of November. You will be contacted during that same week.
• The chosen art piece will be photographed for the UNT holiday card distributed by President and Mrs. Rawlins. The artist will receive a prize and will be given printed cards of the same design for his/her personal distribution.
• In order to be eligible for a prize, releases for use of the winning art pieces will be required (signature release from artist). You also need to be able to provide a jpeg or psd file of the design.
1st Place wins $250!
2nd Place wins $150!
3rd Place wins $100!

For more information, please contact Shirley Agustin at 940.565.4130, Office of the President