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Sunday, January 19, 2020

Artist Request for Qualifications: City of Denton

The City of Denton, Texas and its Public Art Committee seeks Artist Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for 2-year Pre-Qualified National Artist List for public art projects.  
Application Deadline: January 26, 2020

The City of Denton, Texas and its Public Art Committee seek exceptional, established public artists working in a variety of visual media and artistic approaches for its 2020-2022 Pre-Qualified National Artist List. Selected artists or artist teams from the list may be contracted to design and fabricate artwork for eligible Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) and other Public Art projects of various scopes, timelines, and budgets throughout the City of Denton. Certain projects may offer opportunities for an artist to work as part of the sponsor project design team.

The City of Denton’s $98 million Capital Improvement Plan has projects extending to 2022 and includes the implementation of Public Art in construction projects involving the following City departments: Streets & Transportation, Parks and Recreation, and Public Safety Facilities for Fire and Police. The Public Art Committee also makes recommendations for an additional annual public art budget of approximately $75,000, sourced from Hotel Occupancy Tax funds.

Application Deadline: January 26, 2020

Budget Description
Public Art Projects Pre-Qualified List

Project Description
The purpose of the Pre-Qualified National Artist List is to provide a streamlined application and selection process for artists interested in being commissioned for public art projects through the City of Denton, Texas.

Past public art project acquisitions include a range of works that include sculptures, metalwork, murals, paintings, prints, photography, ceramics, fiber, architectural, and glass art.

The project process requires one application from interested artists. The Selection Panel will convene to review all eligible applications and to recommend artists for approval to the Public Art Committee and City of Denton. Once approved, all artists in the list remain eligible for contract opportunities for a two-year period, which may be extended by staff as needed. City of Denton staff and the Denton Public Art Committee will use the Pre-Qualified National List, in whole or in part, for commission opportunities based on project timeline, scope, previously identified project outcomes, and/or a highly specialized field of opportunity.