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Monday, September 2, 2019

UNT Graduate students in Pernicious Blue

Pernicious Blue 
Sept 9 - October 31, 2019
Lillian Bradshaw Gallery
4th Floor of the Dallas Public Library
1515 Young St, Dallas TX, 75201 
Reception: October 26, 2019, 3:00-5:00 pm

Matthew Ryan Johnson, Stephanie Gerhart, Chris Wright Evans, Lorraine Ning, Traci O’Dwyer, Aunna Escobedo, Tina Marks, Shellye Tow, Melissa Gamez-Herrera, Megan DeSoto, and Juan Barroso 

 “Pernicious – having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way”
Pernicious Blue is an exhibition that brings together a diverse group of artists working in a variety of mediums whose work unveils the detrimental effects of our own existential and social decay.  This influence is reflected in the environmental, societal, and psychological marks that are left on the landscape and human psyche.  The subtly dangerous ways in which our society interacts with each other and nature are varied and extensive.  Coupled with the color blue, which evokes emotions of melancholy or sadness, the work in this exhibition explores a wide range of subjects which display evidence of falling victim to pernicious influence, examining our treatment of immigrants and women, our effect on the landscape around us, and how our cultural expectations and the media impact mental health.